Explore these lovely
Youtubes and
Soak in the beautiful music and spiritual truths of these
prayers, poems and teachings. |
aa |
What is a Mashal?
The Hebrew word ‘mashal’ means ‘to speak’, as in a prophetic
utterance. It is also used of short that impart specific
truths. In these regular e zines we combine devotional
meditations, teaching articles and intercessory prayer
pointers. You will find
many genres represented: from poetry to teaching to prayer
for wider issues (no detective stories yet I’m afraid
though!) as well as inspiration to press deeper into God’s
Find us here |
Chrism ~ anointing
We are
delighted to present the compilation of six CDs of anointed
music: the fruit of much planning playing and post
production preparation of well over five hours of music that
spans a wide range of musical styles, and which bring a
lovely sense of the Lord's presence. |
Patmos - Place of Exile, Place of
meditations based on the first chapter of Revelation that
reveal the glory of the Lord Jesus and use the image of
Patmos as a metaphor for tight and narrow times in our life.

Welcome to this heartfelt compilation
of mineral-rich meditations
which set out to capture the yearning of
our heart for God, and of His towards us. As we tune our hearts to
the Eternal Rock from which we were hewn let's embark on the
greatest love story of them all, exploring far ranging themes, that
take us far beyond the purely personal to the prophetically
panoramic, allowing their poetic reality to sharpen our capacity for
contemplation, as the fragrance of Heaven draws near.
Track list, details of the musicians and readers, and to listen,
click here
To view the illustrated words for
click here

Spirit of Prayer
Thirty prayer poems packed with
practical wisdom, theological truths and poetic insights, wrapped in
layers of exquisite music by Francis Cummings and Linda Louisa, and
interspersed with five of Carol Sampson’s beautiful songs.
Click here
to see the full track list, musicians
and readers,
and to order.
View the illustrated words for
CD1 and
Click here to listen to some
of the tracks, |
Ravens and
the Prophet
To be designated as a
mouthpiece for the Lord God Almighty is the highest of all callings.
Long before exposing Elijah to the perils of public ministry, God
had been at work, alerting him to the peril that faced the nation,
scoring His burden deeply into his heart.
This is an illustrated online book that we are posting chapter by
Click here
for an introduction and chapter links |
Connections is a recording of
prayer poems set to inspirational music. The music is performed by
highly anointed musicians.
We have displayed the prayer poems together with the links enable
you to listen to each track.
Click here to
access |

CD from Carol Samson
Carol is an anointed singer-songwriter from Malvern. We have
featured several of her songs on our Reawakenings and Spirit of
Prayer recordings.
She has recently released a cd called
Bigger Picture.
For more details see her website:
www.carolleesampson.co.uk |

'The Vale of Tears'
Experiencing Growth through Loss.
The Lord has been using this book, which deals with many different
kinds kinds of grief and loss, to draw people close to His heart. A
fully illustrated version is available to read or download on line,
or you can order a hard back copy directly from the author.
Click here for
contents page
To order any of Robert Weston's publications, go to the
Resources Page |

'Intimacy and Eternity'
How is your relationship with God? Do you long for greater closeness
with Him? This online book will inspire you as you seek a deeper
relationship with Him who loves you more than you can ever imagine.
Click on the chapter numbers on the
contents page
to access.
Images of
Alan Forsdike, who has spent many years
photographing the Malvern Hills, is happy for us to release a
collection of his images on our website. We do hope they will be a
great blessing to you. They are available to purchase from Alan as
either cards more prints – they are very inspiring.
See bottom of the page of photographs for details of how to order. |
Imprisoned for their faith
I have felt
the Lord urging me recently to round up prayer for those who
are imprisoned for their faith. Why leave all such praying
to ‘Suffering Church Sunday’ in November? Our brothers and
sisters in the Lord are held in prison all year round.