Insights from the Hills





These are compilations of devotional, intercessory and personal ‘material’ which we pray will bless and challenge you as you walk with God. Our current series is being called Malvern Mashal.

A New Venture
We have now updated how we present our Malvern Mashal articles - by venturing into the world of the blog. The links on this page will now lead you to this. Introduction to the Blog and the Blog home page

About RuachWhat's NewAudio Visual PresentationsAudio Resources
Pilgrim's GuidesInsights from the Hills
Articles and Publications
Intercessory Insights
Photo Galleries
Prayer Poems
Mission AfricaLinksConferencesResources
All the material in these publications can be used without obtaining our permission provided that no commercial gain is involved. We would be grateful if specific quotations could be acknowledged.











































































Malvern Mashal?
The Hebrew word ‘mashal’ means ‘to speak’ (as in a prophetic utterance).
(Wikipedia also defines ‘mashal’ as being ‘a short parable with a moral lesson or religious allegory).
‘Prophetic utterance’ seems to encapsulate what so many of our send outs have been about for the past thirty years.
We pray you will be blessed and challenged as you journey with us on our pilgrimage with the Lord Jesus.

Shetland Travel in the Raw
The Ministry of Epiphany

Denial and Change
A thought provoking article about being aware of the times and challenges of the current age.

Malvern Mashal Makon 120

Incisive Intercession
Prayer is not simply getting things from God – that is a most initial form of prayer; prayer is getting into perfect communion with God. If the Son of God is formed in us by regeneration, He will press forward in front of our common sense and change our attitude to the things about which we pray . . .

Malvern Mashal Makon 116

Good Intentions
Back on New Year's Day I gave a talk in church that set out to be a spiritual MOT as well as a launch pad for the year. I enlarged on this in the opening session of our house party weekend, looking at a range of Ideas, Ideals and Intentions, inevitably all beginning with the letter I. We will be reproducing parts of this over the next few editions - the material is by no means time sensitive and we hope you will find it helpful to meditate on.

Malvern Mashal Makon 101

That was the word the Lord gave me this week in one of my morning devotions. No, it has nothing to do with eating too many chips! Rather, this edition explores the idea of 'issues that hang over us,' looking particularly at the examples of Mary, Peter and Paul then moving on to pray for people who are feeling overwhelmed by difficulties of many kinds.

Malvern Mashal Makon 104

The Power of Hope.
The early Church used three main symbols to epitomise the Christian faith: the fish, the dove and the anchor. Of these three, the anchor is the least spoken of today, yet Hebrews 6:19 reminds us that we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Malvern Mashal Makon 95


Praying for Iran
The way God is currently touching people in Iran is nothing short of miraculous. Only He can use the extreme difficulties of life under the present regime in such a way as to propel people towards the good news of Jesus Christ

Malvern Mashal Makon 92 Intercessory update and prophetic pointers to pray into in these uncertain times. May 2011. Part two pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 91 Intercessory update and prophetic pointers to pray into in these uncertain times. May 2011 pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 86 What will come of the shaking? pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 84 What is being birthed in the Middle East? pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 83 The Day of the Lord - a strong wind is blowing pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 82 Reflections on the ministry of Welsh intercessor, Rees Howells pdf

Malvern Mashal
Makon 71
Exploring silence with Mary of Bethany, and a word for the nation from Steve Rayment and Paul Miller. pdf

Encounter A teaching series based on the letters of the word 'encounter'

Encountering God
at every turn.

Several of our Malvern Mashals are contained in this series.


Enter and Explore
Noting what God is anointing
Cultivating Christ-centred-ness
Observing and Obeying (turns Ordinary into Encounter with God).
Understanding utterly uncertain and unstable times
Nuach - the heart of Ruach Ministries
Trust Levels: Towering or Teetering?
Establish and Enable with Exousia Authority
Rhema words and Regular Rhythms

Malvern Mashal Makon 61

E - Exousia - Part One
In all that He was, and in all that He did, Jesus demonstrated the authority that was uniquely His as the Son of God. No one ever taught as He did, let alone healed the humanly incurable, yet He
left us with a challenge: to do the same and even more.


Malvern Mashal Makon 48

A Message for the Mature -Times of Shaking
The book of Hebrews speaks about constant practice helping us to discern not only between good and evil but, more subtly, between good and best. How we need people trained in spiritual discernment, who can read the dynamics of what is going on in situations, ministries as well as individual lives, both to avoid wrong things and to find God’s best way forward. . .


Malvern Mashal Makon 38

The Stature of Waiting
Try to imagine how Elijah felt during the years he spent in the widow’s house at Zarephath. With no official role to play, and no obvious function to fulfil, who could blame him if he began to wonder if God as well as life had not passed him by. . . more


Malvern Mashal Makon 34

The Suffering Church
There are many countries in the world today where Christians are martyred for their faith . . . more


Malvern Mashal Makon 33

The Seamless Garment
Before the power of the Spirit came the disciples were divided, but in Acts 4:32 we see that they were together in one heart and mind. They are now a seamless garment. May the Lord bring about yet deeper unity in the Body of Christ.



Malvern Mashal Makon 30 Perspectives from the Malvern Hills and Prince pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 29

Yearning and Rebuke
...the Lord touched my heart. "I've been missing you."... God yearns for us to be close to Him.


Malvern Mashal Makon 27

Responding to Change
Following on from Malvern Mashal 25 - how we respond to change can be significant.


Malvern Mashal Makon 25


In these days of constant change and where the very foundations of life seem to be being challenged and shaken, we find our faith and steadiness challenged maybe as never before. But change does not need to be all bad....God initiates change....more


Malvern Mashal Makon 21



The Shrinking Brook
Elijah was directed by God to go to the Brook Cherith but day by day he watched the water level shrinking as a result of the drought the Lord had instructed him to proclaim. What a challenge!
What do we do when we find ourselves in 'shrinking brook' situations?
Is God enough?



Malvern Mashal Makon 16 Under the Tuscan Sun. pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 10

Maintaining a Servant Attitude for the Lord in a Service Profession
Part B - Relationship with Clients - Serving others


Malvern Mashal Makon 9

Maintaining a Servant Attitude for the Lord in a Service Profession
Part A - Our Relationship with God


Malvern Mashal Makon 8
The Word of Release - how the sword of the Lord is really a 'two-mouthed-sword! pdf

Malvern Mashal Makon 6


The Voice of the Prophet - a study of Isaiah 19
If there is one prophet above all others whom one could say has a ‘world’ vision, you would have to go for Isaiah. As we follow the rise and fall of his soaring visions, and heed the passionate challenges that pierce our habitual complacency, we know at once that we are in the presence of vision and genius of a kind that surpasses even Shakespeare's plays or Bach's music. . .







Page last updated
19 Jun 2014


After the move to Devon, the Insights from the Isles series draws to a close. You can still access the archived Insights by
clicking here.

Israel and Lebanon
The 'Quanna' of God
 Rest in the Lord
September 9th 2005
 September 16th 2005
 Prayer Perspectives
September 30th 2005
 The Bridger Generation
 October 14th 2005
 October 21st 2005
 October 29th 2005
 November 4th 2005
November 13th 2005
 January 15th 2006