About Ruach

'Not by power,
nor by might,
but by My Spirit,' says the Lord.

Zechariah 4:6

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All the material in these publications can be used without obtaining our permission provided that no commercial gain is involved. We would be grateful if specific quotations could be acknowledged.  













We pray this web site will be a place of inner renewal and resourcing for you as you explore it. There is a great deal of material to enjoy, and we hope you will experience some special touch from the Lord Jesus every time you log on to it. You can also find regularly updated material on our blog: ruachministries.co.uk/blog/
The Focus

In 2002, after leading a long series of week long conferences in Malvern and other places, Rosalind and I were led to lay down our formal ministry team. Since then our primary focus has been on serving the many people the Lord has placed us in contact and relationship with: helping them to draw near to Jesus, and to provide them with the spiritual wherewithal to understand and share in many of the things that are on God’s heart.

Since many of these people are in some form of leadership position, we encourage them to make room for the ruach of God – His breath, wind and Spirit – to give expression to the new life that God has given us in Christ Jesus. This is so much on the Lord’s own heart – and it makes seeking Him an adventure!

On this web site, therefore, you will find a variety of articles, books and publications. Increasingly, we will be blending word, music, prayers and pictures to help people develop their walk with the Lord, along with a range of practical Biblical studies on specific themes and insights into world events – all set within a context of worship and intercession

We have posted some of Robert's books on line, in attractive illustrated format.

Intimacy and Eternityis designed for people who are experiencing the call of God to draw closer to Him. It has proved particularly helpful for people who are trying to make sense of ‘dark night of the soul’ experiences.

Many are finding The Vale of Tears a particularly helpful resource. On the one hand it is a ‘text book’ to help people come to terms with many kinds of loss, and to understand more of the grief process. This extends far beyond full blown bereavement to cover many other kinds of loss, with each section leading directly into the Lord’s presence -- which makes the book a devotional rather than a harrowing experience!

Ravens and the Prophet is a meditative overview of Elijah's life and ministry.

How Ruach Ministries came into being...
For those who are interested in how things evolve . . . Back in 1980 the Lord began to speak to us about the state of the nation. What He showed a group of us at that time – we were mostly students – about His heart, the state of the nation and the relative weakness of the Church in the face of so many anti-Christian forces profoundly shaped and changed our lives.

The 'Message for our Times' that the Lord gave me at that time evolved into a full-scale ministry over the next twenty years. Working in conjunction with worship groups such as Wellspring and with numerous churches and fellowships at home and abroad, I shared as much as I had come to understand of the heart of God with the people of God – mainly through publications, and passionate worship and intercession conferences. These climaxed in two nationwide prayer initiatives in 2001: Fight for this Nation and Britain and Ireland United in Prayer.

And then . . .

Through a series of dramatic interventions, the Lord Jesus showed us that we were about to experience a complete change of direction in our lives. The change began when Rosalind, my wife, accepted a post as the senior midwife on Shetland. Within a few months we had uprooted from our Shropshire home and were embarking on a sojourn of unknown duration on Shetland, based in a lovely house called Ruach.

For three and a half years we sent out the story of what God was doing in Shetland through the Shetland Saga, as well as continuing our wider ministry of teaching, writing and intercession.

It was while we were on that northern island that we learned that a call had been given some years before that the Lord desired a conference that would bring British and Scandinavian intercessors together to pray for Europe. It was prophesied that it was to be held in Shetland – and I recognised the mantle to bring this to pass. In the summer of 2005 we brought praying delegates together from the northern nations for a really special week long international prayer conference:
Fire from the North.

We received a subsequent call to do something similar in the summer of 2008 for the Channel Islands and the southern nations, leading an excellent week long prayer conference
Fire from the Isles in Jersey.

We have subsequently moved to the beautiful hill town of Malvern, in Worcestershire. Rosalind has continued to invest in the midwifery profession, and my calling continues to centre around writing and prayer. Our more or less weekly send-outs have been going out now for many years to nearly a thousand people, most of whom are in some form of Church leadership across many different denominations. We greatly value these contacts and relationships that the Lord has woven, in many cases, over many years. Insights from the Hills.

The Focus of the Calling: to draw close to God

Nothing on this web site will make much sense unless you have an active relationship with God through His Son, the Lord Jesus, who died for us on the Cross and rose from the dead to give us the gift of eternal life. This is the heart of the Christian message – and there are simple yet crucial steps we can take to enter into this most precious and important of all relationships.

If you are not sure that you have yet made this step yet, nothing can be more important than to do so. May we point you to one or more of the following sites to consider the all important question of how to begin a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Recognising that our daily work is to be lived as a vocation for the Lord, rather than seeing it just as a career, Rosalind and I would like to encourage you to go beyond information-sharing to pray about the matters that are on your heart. Virtually every time we meet together with our fellow Christians we share matters that are worthy of lifting to our Father in prayer. This is when times of fellowship become encounters with God – and life itself becomes prayer.

Be imaginative and comprehensive in the range of subjects you pray about! Practise integrating music, worship, teaching and prayer in your times of fellowship together, rather than seeing them as separate and "self-contained" items.

Come to a point where you can pray about international matters with as much passion and compassion as you would for matters close to home and heart.

We do pray you will be greatly blessed as you surf this site. Enjoy the extensive photo galleries – some of them are really special – as well as the teaching articles, and the prayer and music CDs: Spirit of Prayer, Connections, Transfiguration and Reawakenings. May they renew your spirit and inspire fresh creativity.

We have made a wide variety of articles, books and publications available. Increasingly, we have found it a blessing to blend word, music, prayers and pictures to help people develop their walk with the Lord, both privately and corporately.  May we recommend in particular the Pilgrim's Guides page, the Audio resources and the Videos and Presentations. May the Lord Jesus Himself draw close to you as you do so!

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Bringing the touch of His presence to everyday life and a godly perspective to world events.

Page last updated 22 Aug 2023