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The CDs can be obtained on our Resources page.

Track List CD 1

Track 1 It had happened to him!
In exile on Patmos – the beloved disciple John.

Improvisation on Schopfer alle Himmel; Chopin Opus 72 (Jo Foote); Marcello Oboe Sonata (Thomas Herzog)

Track 2 Loneliness or Solitude?
Patmos: place of exile, place of revelation.

Marcello Oboe Sonata, Allegro (Thomas Herzog); Chopin Opus 72 cont’d. (Jo Foote); Flute Improvisation (Elizabeth Pocock & Christiane von Albrecht)

Track 3 Who am I?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote this poem in prison shortly before Hitler ordered his execution.

Handel Sarabande; Vivaldi Recorder Sonata (Julia Herzog)

Track 4 Touchiness: The Tripwire of Satan:
God is not a ‘tut and frown father’!

Vivaldi Recorder Sonata cont’d. (Julia Herzog)

Track 5 A Letter from Heaven:
Vivaldi Concerto RV 565

Improvisation by Linda Entwistle

Track 6 A Voice came from Heaven like the sound of many waters:
Wouldn’t it be boring if God’ didn’t speak?

Flute and harpsichord improvisation (Elizabeth Long & Christiane von Albrecht); Improvisation by Linda Entwistle

Track 7 Write what you see!
Discerning the Still Small Voice

Corelli Adagio from Christmas Concerto

Track 8 From the Margins!
Sent out as lambs in the midst of wolves, God knows what wolves do to lambs.
Track 9 Patmos times are times of Transition!
Prayer for Christians in ‘closed’ countries

Vivaldi Concerto RV 565

Track 10 The power of praise in narrow times.
A chance to draw close to the Lord.

Music from Behold Your King

Track 11 Moving beyond the survival mentality.
Berceuse (Improvisation)
Track 12 John turned round and saw the Lord.
Remembering examples of God’s faithfulness can be a valuable springboard for the future. Our future does not lie in the past: we can never exhaust His willingness to give! Each fellowship is God’s handiwork, and has its own characteristics. God wants His church to be open to His leading and His people to practise encouraging each other.

Pepusch Opus 8:1 (Thomas and Julia Herzog)

Track 13 Moving in the dimension of His glory:
Pepusch Opus 8:1 (Thomas and Julia Herzog)
Track 14 The Sword of the Lord.
Faithfulness is rewarded and love does not go unrewarded.

Pepusch Opus 8:1 (Thomas and Julia Herzog)

Track 15 Grace and Peace to you!
Pepusch Opus 8:1 (Thomas and Julia Herzog)
Track 16 A meditation on yielding to the Lord.
Despite the presence of Judas in the room, John experienced intimacy with Jesus at the Last Supper.

Improvisation by Carol Sampson

Track 17 What Patmos experiences represent to you
My soul finds rest by Francis Cummings
Track 18 Trade with the gifts God has given you.
A powerful exhortation from the sixth century by Hilda of Whitby.

Celtic music by Francis Cummings followed by The Last Rose of Summer

Track 19 Coping with change (1)
“You need to persevere.”

All my days by Linda Entwistle

Track 20 The tricks the mind plays during Patmos times.
Francis Cummings’s version of The Lord’s my Shepherd
Track 21 Coping with change (2)
David and Daniel’s ‘Patmos’ experiences.

I receive Your love by Linda Entwistle

Track 22 Overcoming the if only’s and taking thoughts captive.
I receive Your love by Linda Entwistle cont’d; Chopin Opus 65 (Corinne Frost and Peter Richards)
Track 23 God has got a box of tools.
Diamonds are formed out of coal coming under pressure: what God can achieve through Patmos times in our lives.

Flute and harpsichord improvisation cont’d. (Elizabeth Long & Christiane von Albrecht)

Track 24 Shaping Worries into Prayer
and turning Disappointments into Appointments
It is finished by Linda Entwistle

Track List CD 2

Track 25 The Fallout from Loss and Change – and not letting the enemy hijack the process
Schop Variations on Dowland’s Lachrimae; Cello and strings. Loeillet Oboe Sonata. (Thomas Herzog and Christiane von Albrecht)
Track 26 Patmos flushes hidden things to the surface.
Continuing the theme of yielding to the Lord, Patmos experiences flush hidden things to the surface. This is opportunity to allow the Lord to track down things that have been set in motion in the past and to bring them to the Cross.

The gentle background music is an exquisite sonata for harpsichord by Scarlatti K85 played for us by Christiane von Albrecht.

Track 27 Developing our trust
To the accompaniment of a beautiful oboe sonata by one of my favourite composers, Jean Baptise Loeillet, this short meditation encourages us to develop our trust in areas where we are struggling.

Take time to pray and ponder where the words and music stop.

Loeillet Sonata in C (Thomas Herzog and Christiane von Albrecht).

Track 28 The Lord comes in surprising ways!
If you've never heard the Gondola Song by Mendelssohn (Opus 62:5) you will love this version that Jo Foote recorded for us.

This meditation celebrates the Lord's faithfulness and encourages us to yield everything to Him.

Track 29 Things that cause grief to go underground.
Handling grief triggers without letting other people’s expectations knock us off course.

Chopin Opus 72:1 (Jo Foote)

Track 30 Coming alongside people going through Patmos times.
Couperin Sicilienne (Corinne Frost and Peter Richards)
Track 31 In times of extreme pressure
Music from Prisoners of Hope
Track 32 Taking authority against giants!
The devil’s strategies against us. An exercise that has helped many to heal from past traumas.

Worship in the Spirit from For Those who seek His Face Flute and Harpsichord improvisation (Elizabeth Pocock & Christiane von Albrecht)

Track 33 The sovereignty of God
Understanding the frontiers and boundaries of this crucial topic, which is ‘a sure foundation of our times’.

Corelli Adagio from the Christmas Concerto

Track 34 Choices that lead to richer insight
Bach Double Violin concerto (Francis Cummings and Susannah Herzog)
Track 35 What fragrance do we exude through our trials?
Bach Double Violin concerto cont’d. (Francis Cummings and Susannah Herzog)
Track 36 The Sovereign Lord at work
Improvisation and Chanson d’Aube by Linda Entwistle
Track 37 Recognising the Lord’s dealings with you
Pachelbel Canon in D
Track 38 God at work in out of the way places
Improvisation by Linda Entwistle; Granados Valses Poeticos No. 6. (Jo Foote)
Track 39 At-one-ness with the Lord:
Heaven is just another dimension!

Improvisation by Linda Entwhistle

Track 40 Expressing our Concern for others
Debussy Reverie (Corinne Frost and Peter Richards)
Track 41 Stepping out in the face of outright Hostility
Neither Jesus nor John allowed the pressure to hold them back. Missionaries who persevered until the gospel took root. Pray for today’s Pioneers and Settlers!
Corelli Pastorale from The Christmas Concerto

Track 42 Gospel Seeds
Corelli Pastorale from The Christmas Concerto cont’d. John Baston Recorder Concerto in C (Julia Herzog)
Track 43 Love is spelt RISK
Where wisdom lies in a post-Christian society. Looking away unto Jesus and overcoming the power of envy

Loeillet Sonata for two flutes - flautists - Elizabeth Long, Lizzy Shipman and Christiane von Albrecht

Track 44 Prayer that overcomes the power of Envy
Albinoni Oboe Concerto Opus 9:8
Track 45 The acid test of relationships (1)
Mozart Piano Concerto No.23, 2nd movt. (Jo Foote and Christiane von Albrecht)
Track 46 The acid test of relationships (2) Weeping with those who weep
Mozart Piano Concerto No.23, 2nd movt. cont’d. (Jo Foote and Christiane von Albrecht)
Track 47 The Heart of the Warfare
Marcello Oboe sonata. Improvisation by Carol Sampson
Track 48 The Power of Gratitude and the Ministry of Heaven
Flute and piano improvisation (Elizabeth Long & Christiane von Albrecht) Gabrielli Canzoni Primi Toni
Track 49 Testimony to the Power of Prayer from a Soviet Labour Camp
Improvisation by Carol Sampson
Track 50 Anointing for Prayer
Dusky Road by Linda Entwistle

If you have enjoyed these tracks you can access Connections and Transfiguration  Spirit of Prayer and Reawakenings as well.
See our
audio resources page for more recordings.

Writing and Narration by: Robert Weston
Recorded by:
Colin Owen
Carol Sampson (Singer songwriter)
Christiane von Albrecht (Keyboard)
Linda Entwistle (Vocals & Keyboard)
Elizabeth Long (Flute)
Corinne Frost (Cello)
Keith Entwistle (Percussion)
Thomas Herzog (Oboe)
Claire (Violin) and Chian Lim (Viola)
Jo Garcia (Cello)
Francis Cummings (Composer)
Jo Foote (Recorder)
Robert Weston (Recorder)


The recordings are copyrighted to Ruach Breath of Life Ministries 2012, but the material can be used freely if properly attributed.
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Robert Weston
Christiane von Albrecht
Linda Entwistle
Elizabeth Long
Corinne Frost
Keith Entwistle
Thomas Herzog
Claire and Chian Lim
Jo Garcia
Carol Sampson
Francis Cummings -