In the Courts of Heaven
I heard a sound from heaven
like the roar
of mighty ocean waves
or the rolling of loud thunder.
It was like the sound
of many harpists
playing together.
(Rev. 14:2) |
Mowbray |
God, You preside in
the courts of highest Heaven,
and soon the kingdoms of this world
will become the place where You reside and reign
forever;” (Rev.
Your angels worshipping now before Your throne,
now waging war as mighty warriors,
sounding the seven last trumpets and swinging
right across the planet
to gather the clusters of grapes
from the vines of the earth,
then pouring out the bowls that represent the seven
last plagues,
before consigning Your foe to the bottomless pit.
(Rev. 14:18-19)
You made our world out of nothing, Lord,
but this time round You intend to send such an
intense fire
that the elements themselves will be melted bare.
Pet. 3:10-13)
For just as wild fire
consumes dead wood in the
and redwoods release the seeds
that spawn the
highest trees,
so You will purge
both Heaven and Earth
to make Your home
on newly refashioned Earth.
Reawaken our hearts
to advance through life
in the knowledge
that we may well be
to reign on fire-cleansed Earth,
the true home of righteousness,
to which we belong by faith and love. |
Not in vain does Creation long
for the mighty verve
of Your redemptive touch:
Earth is not bound for destruction,
like some disposable item,
but is rather a jewel that will sparkle
in the freedom and glory
that lie beyond the flames. |
Supreme over Creation
You hold all things together by Your power,
as You labour to restore creation to its Maker. (Col
“Inspire us to work for the renewal of Your world,
and for justice within that creation”
for we how can we fully love the Lover
if we do not also ‘love what the Lover has made,’
and hate what He hates?
You are just,
and everything about the world to come will reflect
this fact.
All that was truncated, maimed
and foreshortened in
this life
will reappear in its fullest finest form:
unborn foetuses grown tall,
the old grown young,
martyrs highly honoured,
and all that is broken and polluted renewed,
as Creation itself
is set free from the curse of
decay. |
Then the LORD will go out and fight against those
as when he fights on a day of battle.
On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of
that lies before Jerusalem on the east,
and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two
from east to west by a very wide valley,
so that one half of the Mount shall move northward,
and the other half southward. (Rom