
Articles and Publications

Pilgrim's Guides

  of the
  by Robert Weston
Heroes of the faith - a teaching series on fascinating Bible characters. (pdf files).

Noah. Building big for God.
Deborah. Incisive and decisive for the Lord.
Hannah. Seeing and Perceiving
Jonathan. Loyalty in action
Obadiah. Faith, work and power
Ruth. A perfect romance
John the Baptist. Herald and Prophet
The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit and You
  What an exciting theme to explore together – studying and encouraging each other how we can relate more deeply to the third person in the Trinity! “For none can guess its grace, till He becomes the place, wherein the Holy Spirit makes His dwelling”
Before looking in more detail at this important topic, you may want to check out your emotional reaction. Some of us are so afraid of the weird and wonderful that it can hold us back from embracing all that the Holy Spirit longs to share with us.
Others wonder whether they are the sort of people who could ever experience the fullness of the Spirit in the way that others appear to do. It is easy to feel second-class when measured against the powerful things God is doing in other parts of the world. Never write yourself off. As D.L. Moody put it, ‘Who knows what God can do when a person surrenders himself fully to the Lord?’

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