Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm
yourselves also with the same attitude, because he
who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a
result, he does not live the rest of his earthly
life for evil human desires, but rather for the will
of God.
(1 Peter 4:1-2) |
This is a chapter not only for those who feel scarred and
battle-weary, but equally for those who desire to share more
of the Lord’s own heart.
Broadly speaking, our sufferings fall into the same
categories we considered when looking at the different sorts
of wilderness. There are those which come as the result of
our own stupidity; those we suffer at the hands of unseen
spiritual powers; those which in no way can be deemed our
own fault, and those which the Lord is specifically using to
further His own purposes.
What distress we can cause ourselves if we blame the wrong
“source” for our sufferings. Ros and I are in touch with a
woman who has had more than her share of knocks in life.
Long ago she came to the unfortunate conclusion that God was
“out to get her”. This has profoundly skewed her view of
God, and made it all but impossible for her to be able to
receive the grace of God. She has recently been wrongfully
convicted of something she has not done. As we have prayed
for justice to be done, we have also been concerned for her
to “sort the categories out.” Something remarkable is now
beginning to happen, both in her outward circumstances in
her inward being. May she find the abundant comfort the Lord
longs to show her!
Nearly fifteen years ago, I was experiencing a lot of pain,
and sensed that the time had come to stop working because a
period of suffering lay ahead. As Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us,
“There is a time for everything!” For reasons known to God,
the operation did not go well, and I was in agony for
several weeks, until a second operation put right the damage
caused by the first one. It is not easy to point to any
clear “results” that came from this suffering, but the verse
from Peter that we started this section with points us to
the fact that these times make us much less preoccupied with
trivialities and matters of no eternal consequence. Jerome
had good reasons for writing as he did: Nothing is more to
be feared, than too long a peace. You are deceived if you
think that a Christian can live without persecution. A storm
puts a man on his guard and obliges him to exert his utmost
efforts to avoid shipwreck.
urges Timothy to endure hardships in the same spirit
that the Lord Jesus did. He also promises that if we
endure we will also reign with Him. One translation
puts it like this: If we suffer, we shall also reign
with Him (2 Tim. 2:11-12 RSV). Perhaps we would do
better to spell the word suffering ‘suffer-reign.’
Paul could equally as well have said when we suffer,
rather than if we suffer. He says much the same
thing in Romans 8:17: If we are children, then we
are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ,
if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that
we may also share in His glory. Such verses point us
to a radical conclusion: in stark contrast to
today’s easy-believism, in which God is ‘marketed’
as the solver of all our problems, effective
Christianity and suffering go hand in hand. |
Unlike those who first heard
Peter’s letter read to them, most of us have not placed our
life directly on the line for believing in the gospel. There
may well be a direct correlation between this and the
generally low awareness of Heaven that so many of us have in
the West. When God is all we have to lean on, we lean much
harder and pray more fervently.
Converts in the Early Church were taught that they would
enter the Kingdom of God through many hardships and
tribulations. (John 16:1-4; Acts 14:22; cf 1 Thess. 3:2-5; 2
Tim. 2:1-3; 1 Pet. 2:21-23; 5:8-9; 1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor.
12:7; Matt. 5:10-11). So far from this making them gloomy
and morbid, the overwhelming impression we are left with
from reading the Acts of the Apostles is that of a joyous
and contagious faith which has experienced much suffering,
but which considers it of little consequence when compared
with the surpassing joy of knowing Christ. So long as
everything is going well for us, we rarely identify with
those who are suffering. Men at ease have contempt for
misfortune, observed Job shrewdly (Job 12:5). Even a taste
of real suffering can make us far more compassionate and
prayerful. There is nothing automatically ennobling about
this process: it can also make us bitter and cynical. If our
sufferings cause us to turn from the Lord, we still have all
our suffering but to deal with, but without the Lord’s
What effect have your sufferings had on you? Have
they made you bitter or better? We are always
sliding in one direction or the other along this
scale. |
Paul wrote from his prison
cell to remind the Philippians that it has been granted to
us not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for Him
(Phil. 1:29). While there are certain forms of distress that
are common to all – illnesses, bereavements, partings and
disappointments of many kinds – there is a deeper level of
suffering which can only be embraced voluntarily. Paul
describes how he longed to know Christ and the power of His
resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings
(Phil. 3:10).
There is an important sequence and gradation here. Having
come to know Christ, Paul experienced His power flowing
through him. Finally, he reaches the point where his love
for God, and his longing for his fellow men combines to make
him willing to suffer any tribulation for their sake. Far
from making him retreat into a ‘safer’ practice of his
faith, as so many people do, Paul used his sufferings as a
means of identifying more fully with his Lord.1 Tozer,
challenging on this as on most other subjects writes:
God will
not force this kind of suffering on us, nor
embarrass us with riches we do not want. Such a
cross is reserved for those who apply to serve in
the legion of the expendables, who love not their
lives unto death, but who volunteer to suffer for
Christ’s sake, and follow up their application with
lives that invite the fury of hell . . . The marks
of the cross are upon them and they are known in
heaven and hell. But where are they? Has this breed
of Christian died out upon the Earth? Have the
saints of God joined the mad scramble for security?
Are we now afraid to suffer and unwilling to die? I
hope not, but I wonder.2 |
Let your spirit “swivel” now
to identify people who are in distress. They may be
particularly in need of your prayers or physical presence.
Don’t put them out of mind just because they are out of
Job’s Sufferings
The book of Job is a powerful rebuke not only to his
presumptuous friends but to theological know-it-alls
everywhere. Job’s counsellors assumed there must be an
earthly reason for their friend’s sufferings. Once they had
embraced this misunderstanding, it was only too easy to pass
on hurtful judgements and to make ill-founded accusations.
If the Lord were less unflinching in His purposes, He would
surely have put an end to the terrible tribulations that
were assailing Job from every quarter. I often wonder if He
was tempted to shout out, “Hold on Job. Just hang on in
When you get through this time of testing you’ll come out
much the stronger! When God reveals Himself in the stunning
final chapters of the book, however, He makes no effort to
provide a reasoned philosophical explanation for Job’s
appalling sufferings. Instead, He speaks about animals that
cannot be tamed, such as crocodiles, wild oxen and mountain
goats; animals that can neither be harnessed for any
“useful” purpose and which may indeed be entirely inimical
to us. Our natural inclination is to keep clear of such
animals, or to hunt and destroy them, but God is clearly
“championing” His creation here in a way that forces us to
consider that just as He has a place for them in His scheme
of things, so He must have a place too for the seemingly
inexplicable episodes that come our way. Nothing is beyond
His reach.
All the
ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those
who keep the demands of His covenant.
(Psalm 25:10) |
Most of us find that there is
an adjustment period to go through when something serious
happens. I have written in detail about handling grief and
trauma in The Vale of Tears, but you will no doubt have
heard about the example of Joni Eareckson. Having suffered
the accident that left her completely paralysed, she came
through intense depression and reached a place not only of
acceptance but of being able to encourage multitudes to come
to terms with their own disabilities and to a renewed faith
in Christ. Is this not the fruit of knowing the Lord rather
than knowing about Him?
Lord, renew patience and perseverance into every situation
that we face: both the dogged kind that holds on in there,
and the faith-filled kind that triumphs over every
The Way of the Cross
Any power without counterbalance becomes autocratic and
leads to abuse and to folly. (Honoré de Balzac)
Cults and despots frequently attempt to justify their most
extreme actions by branding opponents as “evil”, thereby
making them appear lawful targets. When the intense and
specific assaults Jesus experienced during His forty day
fast in the wilderness failed to deter Him from His mission,
the powers of darkness tried another line of attack, putting
it into the minds of the Pharisees that He must be casting
out demons by the hand of Beelzebub (Matt. 24-27). Labelling
Jesus “evil” made it so much easier for them to justify
pursuing Him to the cross!
By subjecting Jesus to the shattering indignities of a trial
before a corrupt and prejudiced court, Lucifer hoped that He
would be driven by the intense physical and mental pain to
retaliate against those who were treating Him so badly. He
might even feel disinclined to pursue His mission to save
the world! Mercifully, his plan failed. Longing, as any one
of us would, to avoid the agony ahead, the Lord Jesus did
the highest thing a man can do: He set His face like flint
to fulfil what He knew to be His Father’s will, knowing that
salvation would ultimately depend not upon what He did but
upon what He suffered – and upon His Father’s ability to
raise Him from the dead.
Even when hanging on the cross, Jesus’ concern was not for
revenge, but to forgive those who had done such terrible
things to Him. He was concerned for their eternal
well-being, whilst at the same time making provision for His
In their heart of hearts, the disciples perhaps harboured
the secret hope that Jesus had not meant what He said about
having to die. It was only later that they realized just how
necessary His sacrifice had been. On the road to Emmaus, as
He opened up the Scriptures to Cleopas and his friend, we
see the Lord Jesus “looking back” on His sufferings for the
first time. “This is what is written, He explained to them:
The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third
day (Luke 24:46).
If it were right for us to pin our ultimate hopes for
happiness in this world alone would the Cross have been
necessary? Jesus taught that we have no permanent home here
below not only to whet our appetite for what lies ahead but
also because Satan is recognized as the god of this world.
All the saints of God have had to fight inevitable battles
as they seek to advance the Kingdom of God – it is what
comes out of these struggles that is so amazing! (Luke
24:46. See also John 15:18-20; Mark 13:11-13; Heb. 3:5-6;
Rom. 5:3-4; James 1:2-4; Rev. 2:10, 3:10, 13:10.)
In the
early days of the Church, Christians were eager to
be loyal citizens of the Empire. This became
impossible, however, when Caesar ordered them to
affirm publicly, ‘Caesar is Lord!’ Historians have
found it puzzling that some of the most enlightened
emperors, Marcus Aurelius and Diocletian for
instance, were amongst those responsible for
persecuting believers. Perhaps it was their very
vigour that made them demand a degree of allegiance
that no true Christian could give to the Empire.
Bishop Polycarp was one of the many who paid the
ultimate price for taking his stand for the King of
Kings. When the Bishop was promised that his life
would be spared if he would only utter the phrase
“Caesar is Lord,” he made the memorable reply: “For
eighty-six years I have been the servant of Jesus
Christ, and He has never done me any injury. How
then can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” |
Given the ever-present
reality of such suffering, Paul beseeches us not to become
engrossed in the things of this world (1 Cor. 7:31). It is
all too easy to think that we are trusting the Lord, when
all we are really doing is relying on favourable
Some people are so proud of their abilities they think they
can do what they like with them. They think nothing of
indulging in the debauchery and drunkenness that Peter warns
against. There are all too many others, however, who feel as
though they have no special abilities at all. Peter reminds
these people that every one of us has gifts and that we are
to use them for God’s glory. Above all, he urges, we are to
love each other deeply, for love is of God, and it helps us
to remain clear-headed so that we can pray and serve the
Lord. (See 1 Peter 4:3-11)
Paul laments that everyone looks out for their own interests
rather than those of Christ Jesus (Phil. 2:21). How sad. May
we devote all we are and all we have to the Lord.
When the
Lord Jesus warned Peter that he would one day suffer
martyrdom for his Lord, it may have sounded as
though He was promising John, the beloved disciple,
an easier life. The Lord’s reply to Peter’s question
appears somewhat brusque: What is that to you? You
must follow Me (John 21:20-23). But Peter knew
nothing of the sufferings the Lord had reserved for
John in his old age. Neither do we know what hidden
sufferings may be in store for those we so foolishly
envy or look down on.
As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow reminds us: “If we
could read the secret history of our enemies, we
should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering
enough to disarm all hostility.” |
Some of us are so
self-centred that we think we are suffering for Christ when
everyone else can see that we are suffering primarily
because of our own foolishness or unpleasantness. If we are
about the Lord’s work however, there will inevitably be
times when we meet with opposition. So far from being an
expression of God’s disapproval, such persecution is when a
sign of His approval of our work (cf Acts 5:41). We are by
no means not called to seek out such suffering, but neither
can we always expect to avoid it.
The prophecy that the Lord Jesus would be a “man of sorrows”
undoubtedly embraces mental as well as physical anguish.
(see Isaiah 53:3)
Can you imagine the pressure of living with continual
suspicion and hostility from the powers-that-be? This is
what Jesus faced daily – along with the constant presence of
the sick and needy, which afforded the Lord Jesus and His
disciples so little time in which to eat and rest. Beyond
these physically draining aspects of His ministry lay His
constant concern for the well-being of a nation who were
“like sheep without a shepherd.”
Do we, too, not feel a constant ache for people who are
unable to share the treasures we have found in Christ? It is
especially hurtful, however, when this concern is thrown
back in our faces and we face rejection. We must offer it
all to the Lord, who understands our pain, and uses even the
most troublesome events and relationships to further His
In 1
Peter 4:17, Peter declares that it is time for
judgment to begin with the family of God. He is
speaking here less of our final judgement, then of
God’s discipline – His testing of our motives. How
will we see how far short of perfect love our
motivation usually is unless the Lord allows
episodes to come our way that reveal it? Facing
these challenges prepares us to face potentially
even stronger temptations in the future. |
Perspectives on Suffering
compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the
course of the year to a great bundle of faggots, far
too large for us to lift. But God does not require
us to carry the whole at once. He mercifully unties
the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which we
are to carry today, and then another, which we are
to carry tomorrow, and so on. This we might easily
manage, if we would only take the burden appointed
for each day; but we choose to increase our troubles
by carrying yesterday’s stick over again today, and
adding tomorrow’s burden to the load, before we are
required to bear it. (John Newton) |
We saw in the chapter “The
Dark Night of the Soul” that many of God’s finest
servants go through prolonged periods of feeling abandoned.
John the Baptist’s confident declaration, Behold the Lamb of
God! must have felt like a dim and distant memory after a
prolonged spell in the gloomy fortress of Machaerus. John
had been on the receiving end of Herodias’s Jezebel-like
assaults, and was plagued by the thought that he had got it
all wrong. The message he sent to Jesus reads pitifully: Are
you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone
else? (Luke 7:19). But do we never wonder such things when
we are going through the mill? Don’t forget, too, that John
had spent a confined period underground. We should never
underestimate the effect of daylight deprivation.
Jesus’ reply left room for faith, just as many of His
answers do to our own troubled questions. (Matthew 11:3-5).
It is usually the Lord’s way to point us towards the truth,
rather than to overwhelm us with convincing “proofs.” Jesus
wanted to rekindle the faith of His doubting servant by
helping him see that He really was fulfilling the Messianic
verses, and that He therefore must be the One John had
originally supposed Him to be.
Does this sound fair?
Watchman Nee was forced
to copy out communist tracts by hand during the
twenty-five years he spent in prison. He died almost
as soon as he was released. There indeed was a godly
man consigned to spend many years in futility – yet
all the while his writings were bearing fruit around
the world, enriching the lives of countless
thousands. What prayers that man must have prayed
for the growth of the Church in China during those
years – and how spectacularly they are being
answered in our own day! |
 |
The example of Watchman Nee
brings us face to face with a man who was being prepared to
rule and reign in a higher sphere, in eternity. Neither is
his example unique in the remarkable annals of the
suffer-reign Church in China as God moves in miraculous
power at work among His people despite appalling suffering.3
A fishing boat that is being tossed in the ocean swell can
still catch fish. I witnessed an example of this when Billy
Graham visited Oxford. He was suffering at the time from a
painful broken rib, and a group of anarchists suddenly burst
into the Town Hall, shouting obscenities and releasing fire
extinguishers. The sense of evil was almost tangible, but
God was not thwarted. More people committed their lives to
the Lord that night than on any other – despite the
In the history of the Early Church, the Lord often
intervened not just to give His children grace to endure,
but to rescue them as well (eg Acts 5:19-20, 12:5-11,
16:22-36; cf Daniel 4:24-25). He has not changed. We have
heard modern day stories of widows’ cruses; of a bowlful of
rice that continued to feed young Chinese children whose
parents had been taken from them.4 In an example which
parallels the ravens supplying Elijah with food, rats also
brought sweet potatoes to a man in prison who had been
condemned to die of hunger. Truly, God provides all that is
necessary for those who trust in Him.
Chinese woman had a poster placed on the outside of
her house throughout the traumatic years of the
Cultural Revolution. The notice branded her as a
lunatic evangelical, and warned people to keep away
from her. She felt her isolation acutely. At the end
of that terrible period, people flocked to her for
counsel. The poster had convinced them of the
genuineness of her faith! The Lord used the
instrument of her humiliation as His means of
salvation to others. Isn’t this a picture of the
cross? |
We can never be certain how
the Lord will work in any given situation. Neither can we
base a doctrine around an experience, no matter how
precious. Why were so many of the Lord’s prophets slain by
Jezebel, while Elijah was fed by ravens? Why, for that
matter, was James beheaded while Peter was miraculously
delivered? (Acts 12:1-11) Or why was Madame Guyon imprisoned
in seventeenth century France for over a decade for no other
crime than loving God, while other equally devout souls
lived out their lives in peace and quiet? We can never
understand all the Lord’s purposes in and through such
suffering. There is no doctrine in Scripture of “how to
escape from prison with the help of angels,” and it would be
quite wrong to assume that Peter had more faith than James.
What we do know is that we are not alone in our sufferings.
Countless Christians around the world are experiencing
similar trials, and are drawing on the same strength that we
are looking to. If we are sometimes tempted to think, “Why
should such a lovely person have to suffer so much?”
remember how our Heavenly Father must have felt as He
watched His only Son being tortured to death at a religious
festival that was supposedly convened in order to worship
Him. He is no stranger to affliction – but it dishonours Him
when we mistrust His love and purposes.
Let Nothing be wasted (John 6:12)
From the depths of the Soviet persecution of the church I
came across this remarkable story.
atheist, disputing furiously with a pastor in a
railway carriage, seized the pastor’s precious Bible
and hurled it out of the window. If I had been that
pastor, I would have been kicking myself for getting
my Bible out at all in that Bible-starved land. Some
weeks later there came a knock on his door. It was
not the dreaded KGB, but a group of workers with a
story to tell. The leader told the bemused pastor
how he had been working by a railway line some time
ago when a book – the pastor’s Bible – was flung out
of a train. The man had become a Christian through
reading it, and so too had the friends he had
brought along – and they wanted to be baptised! Who
but God could have brought so much good out of such
an apparently wasteful episode ? |
After the feeding of the five
thousand, Jesus told the disciples to gather up the
remaining loaves and fishes. In one of my favourite phrases
in the Bible, He declared, “Let nothing be wasted” (John
6:12). Jesus was showing here not only that God’s provision
is sufficient for every situation but that He is able to
weave the apparently dark and disconnected threads of our
life into something gloriously coherent. Is He not working
to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under
one head, even Christ, when the times will have reached
their fulfilment (Eph. 1:10).
The picture of Jesus standing at the right hand of God to
welcome Stephen is an image for us to meditate on. As the
gospel has spread around the globe, so too has the
opposition. More people are thought to have died as martyrs
during the twentieth century than during the preceding
nineteen put together.
In our own day, many Christians face intense persecution in
certain parts of the world from fanatical Muslims and
Hindus. In some parts of the world, it is considered
entirely appropriate not just to exclude but even to kill
someone who converts to Christianity. It is so important for
us to be aware of what our brothers and sisters in Christ
are going through, and to remember them in our prayers.
The process by which such tyranny develops is only too
familiar and well-worn, even apart from specifically
religious causes. As Walter Savage Landor reminds us,
“Despotism sits nowhere so secure as under the effigy and
ensigns of freedom.” Many of the greatest tyrants on the
records of history have begun their reigns in the fairest
manner. But the truth is, this unnatural power corrupts both
the heart and the understanding . . . Despots govern by
terror. They know that he who fears God fears nothing else;
and therefore they eradicate from the mind . . . the only
sort of fear which generates true courage.” (Edmund Burke)
“Despotism and freedom of the press cannot exist together,
Leon Michel Gambetta, warns, echoing Charles Caleb Colton’s
warning that “Despotism can no more exist in a nation until
the liberty of the press be destroyed than the night can
happen before the sun is set.” Have we not seen this in
Zimbabwe recently, and again, increasingly, in Russia? The
Bible urges us to remember those who are ill treated as if
you yourselves were suffering (Heb. 13:3). Ask the Lord to
put those who are suffering for Him on your heart, and to
give you words of encouragement for them, and prayers that
bring release.
Overcomers or Overcome?
We put
ourselves to all sorts of inconveniences to satisfy
our guilty passions but when it is a question of
overcoming them we will not lift a finger. It is
just this penny’s worth of suffering that nobody
wants to spend. (Leonard of Port Maurice) |
If suffering reduces us for a
season, as it so often did the psalmists, to crying out to
God for grace and strength to cope with the next half hour,
then at least we are looking in the right direction, and
refusing to allow circumstances to daunt our seeking. God
hears and answers our cries.
In the meantime, it is comforting to know that He identifies
with every situation that we will ever have to go through
and will always provide a way forward for us (1 Cor. 10:13;
Heb. 4:14-16). This is true – even when our sufferings are
primarily the consequence of our own recklessness. It is so
easy to recriminate, ‘If only I hadn’t been so proud or
angry or careless, this would never have happened!’ Whilst
it is always right to face up to our part in these things,
it is also important to let the Lord lead us on from
wherever we are. As Francis de Sales urges us:
Raise up
your heart after a fall, sweetly and gently,
humbling yourself before God in the knowledge of
your misery. Do not be astonished at your weakness.
It is not surprising that weakness should be weak,
infirmity infirm and frailty frail. |
It is important not to
underestimate the effect that being under the weather
physically or emotionally can have on our spiritual life. If
you are on antibiotics, for example, it is quite normal to
find it difficult to experience the Lord’s presence.
I for one do not find my spirit leaping for joy when the
Lord highlights this verse from 1 Peter 4: Dear friends, do
not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as
though something strange were happening to you. Many trials
can not be averted, but it is important to focus on how the
verse continues. . . But rejoice that you participate in the
sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His
glory is revealed (1 Pet. 4:12-13).
“Stuff” will always happen to us, so in one sense it is not
so much what happens that is all important so much as how we
respond to it. As always, God is often less interested in
what we do than in the spirit in which we do it. Here is a
thought to ponder. For most of us, it is not that our trials
are too large, but rather that our love is too small.
Assuming you have done your best to face our sins and
shortcomings, may I encourage you for the moment to leave
them to one side, and to see your sufferings as a privileged
sharing in the suffering of Christ?
Lord, we recognize that the spiritual battle in this
generation is strong. Where our sufferings have
allowed a legacy of doubt or disappointment to lodge
in our hearts, wash us clean. Let no trace of
bitterness or cynicism fill our hearts.
 |
Thank You that no
situation is beyond the reach of Your help, and that
there are no limits to Your power. Bring about great
and necessary deliverances on behalf of those who
are suffering for Your sake. Delight Your heart and
confound Your enemy. In Jesus’ name, Amen. |
Grant grace today to all Your servants who are
suffering for their obedience to You. Keep them from
despair and wrong reactions when doors shut in their
faces. Help them to trust You to open new and better
ones elsewhere. |
Here is
a simple but profound two-part prayer.
Take your time to identify the issues the Lord would
speak to you about.
Forgive us, Lord, for the suffering we have
inflicted on others –
and heal us from the suffering we have received
ourselves. |
If the first step is to receive forgiveness for our
own shortcomings, the second step is to forgive the
people who have caused or added to our suffering –
and then to receive His healing, in readiness for
the next round of life. |
1. On more than one occasion Paul listed the intense
sufferings that had come his way because of his faith and
missionary activity. 2 Cor. 11:23-30 shows how selective
Luke had been in drawing up his account of Paul’s ministry,
since we have no other record of many of the incidents
alluded to here. But Paul writes triumphantly from prison: I
want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has
really served to advance the gospel. (Phil. 1:12, cf 2 Cor.
1:8-11; 6:4-10; 11:23-30; Col. 1:24; Rom. 9:1-3,10:1; 1 Pet.
1:7; James 1:3; cf Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6 14).
2. The Root of the Righteous (Christian Publications
Inc., Harrisburg, PA). Kingsway’s publication The Best of
Tozer is a good starting place for discovering this
unique man’s writings.
3. Lilies Among Thorns (Sovereign World) is a
powerful testimony to the sufferings and the glory of the
contemporary Church in China.
4. God’s Smuggler to China Brother David (Hodder and
Stoughton) pp 295-6
5. Quoted in The Wisdom of the Saints, Jill Haak
Adels (O.U.P.).