I can
love you more than you can love yourself,
and I watch over you a thousand times more carefully
than you can watch over yourself.
The more trustfully you give yourself up to Me,
the more I shall be watching over you;
you will gain a clearer knowledge of Me and
experience My love more and more joyfully.
(Catherine of Sienna)1 |
TEMPTATION WE FACED on our long climb uphill to the fell
tops was to give up and retrace our steps. The feeling
continued to plague us until we had almost reached the Broad
Open Spaces. There will be many temptations to quit in the
course of our pilgrimage – but who knows what the Lord will
bring about if we will only keep going?
We saw in ‘The Principle of Suffer-Reign’ that those who
seek to follow the Lord sometimes have to go through
extraordinary tests of faith. The nonconformist preacher,
John Bunyan, imprisoned in Bedford Jail for his faith, was
informed that he could be released immediately if he agreed
not to hold any more public meetings.
Bunyan was tormented by the love he felt for his family, and
in particular for his young blind daughter. He found the
pleas of so-called friends, who told him that the stand he
was taking amounted to nothing less than dereliction of his
duty towards his family, infinitely harder to bear than the
poison-tipped offers of the authorities. At a time when he
was under the influence of what he later came to
characterize as Giant Despair, John Bunyan wrote, ‘I felt as
though I was pulling the roof down over my own head, but I
must do it, I must.’
Most of us instinctively hope that we will never be put to
such a test. When we read that it was God’s will to crush
and bruise His only Son (Isaiah 53:10), do we not
subconsciously fear that complete submission may lead us too
to some sort of a cross? After all, God nowhere promises
that it will not. But God honours those who yield to his
purposes and follow Him courageously.
There are few more important keys to overcoming striving and
coping with the Ascent of Toil than this willingness to
yield to the Lord. How grateful we can be that John Bunyan
did not compromise! It was during his time in Bedford prison
that he penned Pilgrim’s Progress, perhaps the best known of
all Christian classics.2 |
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Beyond Mount Moriah
The more willing we are to yield all that we are and all
that we do to the Lord, the easier He will find it to show
us His favour. If we hold on too tightly to our activities
or position, however, we may find our work for God (rather
than God Himself) subtly becoming the all-consuming focus of
our life. |
We rarely recognize this process happening, because our
tongue has learned to parrot the proper language, that ‘God
comes first in our lives.’ Our actions, and above all our
longings, reveal what is really in our hearts. If some
vision comes to assume too great a prominence in our lives,
the Lord may have to take away the means of fulfilling it in
order to draw our soul back to its first love.
Nearly twenty years ago, while working for a church in
Oxford, I was leading a prayer and praise group for
students. We met late on Saturday evenings and enjoyed a
steady flow of blessing. Unfortunately, these meetings did
not receive official sanction from the rather cautious
Christian Union, who were uncomfortable with our charismatic
emphasis. While praying one evening, the Lord spoke to me
clearly: ‘If you will have the courage to close this meeting
down, I will make something incomparably better come out of
It takes as much faith to close something down that God is
clearly using as it does to start it in the first place. It
is a sign of mistrust, however, if we insist on trying to
wring every last ounce of blessing out of it, especially if
the Lord is urging us to change direction. As Corrie Ten
Boom put it ‘We must not grasp things too tightly, lest our
fingers get hurt when He prises them from us.’
Six months later, the Lord gave me freedom to restart the
meetings on an alternative day and in our own venue. The
grace and power that flowed were of an entirely different
order. God had restored the vision – and with increased
anointing! Some time later came a call which I shall
describe in ‘The Paths of Guidance’ to resign my post with
the church in Oxford and to move in faith to Chester.
My early days there proved to be a particularly narrow and
difficult Ascent of Toil. Two years prior to leaving Oxford,
a student nurse called Rosalind turned up in a meeting I was
leading. Over the months our friendship became a close
prayer partnership. By the time we left Oxford it had
blossomed into love.
In contrast to earlier whirlwind romances, the Lord reined
back our emotions in the early stages, in order to develop a
strong bond of friendship between us. The Lord had
restrained us both so effectively in previous relationships,
that we dared not rush ahead without being quite certain of
His will for us. One evening, about a week before I was due
to move to Chester, the Lord spoke to us simultaneously,
telling us not to see, write or even ring each other again
unless or until He specifically permitted us to.
 |
The Lord’s edict was like a mini Mount Moriah. Offering up
our ‘Isaac’ on the altar, we had to die to the hope that God
might be giving us to each other. Faithful to the Lord’s
commission, Rosalind drove me to Chester, attended a service
in the church I was to be based in and then set off to
Nottingham where she was to train as a midwife. As far as we
could tell, God had brought our relationship to an untimely
end. He gave us no assurance that He would bring us together
again, but He did encourage us to keep a journal during our
separation. |
The Lord chose Chester carefully to be His ‘desert’ for me.
In stark contrast to the active ministry I had exercised in
Oxford, I knew virtually nobody when I arrived, and nobody
knew me. The Lord knew that I was not ready to sustain a
more withdrawn lifestyle for very long, and in the meanwhile
He had other purposes in mind anyway. The ministry expanded,
both to the churches in Chester and around the nation, until
life became so busy that we found ourselves longing to be in
a quieter place where I could devote myself more fully to
praying and writing, as well as to the wider ministry.
First, however, the Lord had some important things to do in
my heart. It was there, in my top-floor flat, overlooking
the River Dee, that I had my first real taste of the
contemplative life. Through the pain of being separated from
Rosalind, my emotions were softened to the point where I
could feel more sensitively for people in need. Although I
often chafed against the sense of loss, God was forging a
new calling in my heart.
The outcome was one of abundant mercy. Having genuinely
handed over our feelings for each other, and lived through
the turmoil that this brought, the Lord released us some
three months later to see each other again. We discovered
through our journals how closely our prayers had been
‘tracking’, as we had prayed for people and countries around
the world.
The Lord is an eminent psychologist. If something precious
is taken from us, we are much less likely to take it for
granted if it is subsequently restored to us. We can never
be too grateful that He has given us back to each other. We
are also thankful that the Lord grounded our relationship in
the first instance on the rock of friendship and prayer. It
made the transition to marriage an easy one.
During our time apart, the Lord spoke but one word of
illumination concerning this apparently incomprehensible
separation: ‘I am making a pair of intercessors.’ As Dad
joked later, ‘Like antiques: more valuable as a pair!’ We
developed the ability to stay close to each other through
prayer, something which has stood us in good stead during
the many times when one or other of us has been away from
Life out of Death
Trials of faith are never easy to bear, but the more willing
we are to believe that God is with us, the less pain we will
experience. Paul teaches us an unexpected truth: What you
sow does not come to life unless it dies (1 Corinthians
15:36). |
Jesus had
already illustrated this principle in His teaching:
Unless an ear of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it
remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many
seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the
man who hates his life in this world will keep it for
eternal life.
(John 12:24-25) |
To a large extent, these verses remain hidden until such
time as they become relevant in our experience. When God
causes a seed that has ‘died’ to sprout again, it can
proceed to multiply more or less indefinitely. Take, for
example, a minister who developed an exceptionally strong
burden to help young people. The time came when this calling
led him to the conclusion that he needed to devote his whole
life to this work. As he and his wife were driving back from
a difficult meeting at his denominational headquarters, at
which he had tendered his resignation, they had an appalling
accident. His wife was flung from the car and lay lifeless
on the side of the road.
Within the space of a few hours this man had lost the two
most precious things in his life: his wife and his ministry.
It was at this moment of utter desolation that he heard the
voice of the Lord more clearly than he had ever known
before. ‘Will you still follow Me?’3 It was almost identical
to the question the Lord Jesus asked Peter at a time when
many were turning back because of the cost of following Him.
Like Peter, who knew that there was nowhere else for him to
turn to, so this man reaffirmed his willingness to follow
the Lord, no matter what the cost.
The Lord then spoke to him a second time: ‘Pray for your
wife.’ A desperate battle ensued, before life began to
return into his wife’s body. Eventually she was fully
restored. The man’s name? Loren Cunningham. Together with
his wife, Darlene, they went on to found Youth With A
Mission: an organization that has reached millions of young
people around the world.4
Letting Go
We were down in Cornwall some years ago when we heard about
a seven year old girl who was desperately ill. A kidney
transplant had failed, septicaemia had set in, together with
very high blood pressure and heart failure. Her plight was
actually serving as a rallying point for the village. Even
those with no previous church connection made a point of
attending special services, uniting in prayer for her
recovery. The parents themselves had been recently
converted, and were clinging on in faith that she would be
Over the next year, the girl’s condition worsened. She was
transferred to an intensive care unit over a hundred miles
away. Her father had to give up his job to help care for
her, which brought the additional strain of acute financial
shortage. The following year was unremittingly grim.
We visited them again when we were next in the area. We
discovered that none of the Christians we spoke to in the
church believed any longer that she would be healed. We
gently suggested that the time might have come to offer
their daughter back to the Lord. As it turned out, events
took a dramatic turn and forced the issue. The doctors
expected the girl to die that night, and recommended that
they made no effort to resuscitate her. The moment of
decision had come.
After years of struggle, the parents recognized that their
daughter had suffered enough. For the first time, they were
ready to release her fully to the Lord.
There is a startling sequel to this story. The following
day, the girl’s condition made a remarkable improvement. The
doctor said, ‘We don’t know how, but she is much better now
– it’s returned to normal size again!’ She is still fit and
well now, many years later. I believe it was the parents’
act of yielding, together with the prayers of many, which
brought about this wonderful transformation.
I wonder if you can sense the nuance that I am trying to
communicate? God always responds when He detects an attitude
of faith in us, but if we were to see our ‘faith’ vindicated
every time we prayed, might we not subconsciously conclude
it was ‘our’ faith that brought about the miracles? The Lord
brings us to the point where we have to acknowledge that
even our faith is not enough. Then it is His grace and mercy
alone that we are left to celebrate – and all the glory goes
to Him.
Beyond Mount Moriah
Learning to receive the unconditional love of the Lord is
the antidote to the sort of striving we wrote of in the last
chapter. It frees us from always having to try to please
others. The more we are able to receive His grace, the more
fully we can communicate its wonderful freedom to others.
Because we have received what we could not earn (and most
certainly did not deserve) we need never fear that we will
lose it. This is the confidence which fosters intimacy, and
which is characteristic of those who have discovered the
Broad Open Spaces.
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To the person or church who have gone through a Mount Moriah
experience, God can safely fulfil visions and bestow much
greater anointing. The testing of our faith has separated us
from the risk of allowing the blessings themselves to occupy
centre stage in our lives. Moreover, people who have been
touched by God in such ways (and there are more of them than
one might at first suppose) carry with them the imprint of
their heavenly encounter. There is a humility, as well as an
authority in their lives that is quite at variance with the
brashness of those who are still driven by more carnal
ambitions. Touched by eternity, they in turn influence many
others. |
Every day we must yield ourselves, and the decisions we
make, back to the Lord. Shortly before he was martyred on
the mission field, Jim Elliot wrote these powerful words:
‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, in order to
gain what he cannot lose.’
Surrendering our desires to the Lord is entirely different
from the false assumption that we ought to suppress all our
own desires and emotions. The Lord will take and use many of
the skills and abilities we offer Him – but not necessarily
all of them, and certainly not all the time. When the time
is right, the Lord may restore the original vision, and
supply all that is needed for it to be fulfilled. Or He may
lead us into something comparable, using the ground that has
been gained through His dealings with us. In the meantime,
the extent to which we are yielded and grateful will
determine how content we are.
Towards The Broad Open Spaces
It is
the ultimate mystery of humility that He who was
from the beginning should have been willing to come
to earth and live a life of such complete
dependency.5 He laid down His life so that we could
enter eternal life. As I have already hinted,
Rosalind and I have found that the Lord frequently
appears to take away something that has meant a
great deal to us, only to restore it subsequently in
such a way as to bring us to a far deeper
appreciation of His purposes. Out of the discipline
of disappointment (and the death of our hopes and
strivings) flows resurrection power. |
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It was in 1987 that we first felt the Lord telling us that
we would one day have a house in the countryside. Friends
endorsed this as a calling, and we were eager to see the
vision fulfilled. An opportunity arose and we went all out
to acquire just such a property. We felt we had many
promises that ‘this was it’ – but we ended up getting
nowhere. We were puzzled and confused. Had God really been
in the vision?
A sharp Ascent of Toil followed, which, as we have
previously described, brought us to Ludlow, a seven year
interim period which in many ways served as the transition
point in our ministry. Reaching the place the Lord had in
mind for us when He first showed us the vision, however,
would incur a yet more arduous Ascent of Toil.
It was early in 1996 that the Lord brought the vision of
‘the house in the country’ to the fore. Once again we
thought we might have found the house the Lord had been
speaking about, and set out to acquire it. We had merely to
sell our own and the transaction was complete. Late on Good
Friday the Lord spoke a clear and sobering word: ‘It will
not work out as you expect.’ Gloom and doom! Three days
later we heard that the house we were pursuing had been sold
to someone else.
Barely a month later we came across a much more promising
property, a large house that required a great deal of
attention, but whose potential as a quiet house for the Lord
was clear to us. The Lord spoke clearly as we looked around
it: ‘The finding phase is over; but the buying phase will be
extremely difficult!’ It was gracious of the Lord to warn
us. We encountered many snags and delays before finally, in
early 1997, we, together with my parents, were able to move
in to the place the Lord had promised so many years before.
The renovation is now more or less complete and it is
breathtaking. The house, grounds and locality (on the edge
of the Long Mynd hills) far surpass our wildest
Looking back from the far side of our valley of loss we can
see how each setback was like a submerged stepping stone
that helped us to reach the Broad Open Spaces. We cannot
thank Him enough for blocking all our earlier plans – but we
do wish we hadn’t wasted so much mental energy ‘doing a
doubting Thomas!’
For Reflection
The path of faith is the way of complete embrace. We dare
not allow any ‘no-go’ areas to remain in our heart. In order
that Jesus stays with us, for His glory and our own
well-being, we must yield ourselves completely to Him, and
finish the work He has given us to do. |
I am anxious, however, that this teaching on yielding should
not be used as an excuse to quit some project or position
when the going gets tough. There are many times when we are
called not to yield, no matter how strong the temptation may
be. To offer up our Isaacs to the knife if the Lord is not
calling us to do so would be little short of an act of
murder! Those who decide on the spur of the moment (and
without proper consultation) to abandon their work,
families, or ministry leave a trail of havoc in their wake.
Maturity consists of learning to recognize the appropriate
response: when to battle against our unseen foes and the
endless difficulties and distractions they send our way, and
when it is the Lord Himself who is calling us to yield
something to Him. Much depends on the choices that we make.
We are wise if we seek the prayerful counsel of trusted
Lord Jesus, I ask You to
forgive my reluctance to yield to You.
I have been trying to preserve my independence and
to achieve my goals by my own efforts.
I willingly offer You
now my most cherished hopes and desires, as well as
all my gifts and abilities. They are of no lasting
worth unless You own and empower them.
Still my heart from
its own preoccupations so that I can abide more
fully in You.
All that I am, and
all that I have I give to You, joyfully,
Deliver me from my
fears and lead me in the ways of eternity.
In Jesus’ name, Amen. |
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1. Quoted in The Wisdom of the Saints Jill Haak Adels
I have taken the title for this chapter from an excellent
publication of that name by Derek Prince.
2. It is worth reflecting how recently such persecution was
on our shores, directed in turn against the Lollards,
Non-conformists, Quakers and Catholics. Pray there may be
continuing freedom for the gospel in our nation.
3. John 6:66-68.
4. Loren Cunningham, Winning God’s Way (Front Line
Publications) and quoted by permission.
5. Luke 8:3. God made his Son dependent on others, as can be
seen by the group of women who financed His ministry – a
radical innovation at a time when women were not expected to
play any significant part in a ministry team. |