A special sendout regarding the
dramatic events from last week in Turkey.
As many of you have heard there has been a dramatic event involving the
death of 3 brothers in Him, in the east of the country, Malatya (1,000
miles away from Istanbul)
This is event is highly unusual, but not totally unexpected. Briefly, 5
young men (all under 20) gained entry to a printing house office, run by
the 3 brothers. Sadly it seems that at least one of the men (possibly
the man who jumped from the window) was posing an interest in faith
(clear deception) and had visited several times this gained some 'trust'
which allowed him entry to an office that was normally 'secure'.
An assault then occurred on the three brothers, that was disturbing,
ferocious and prolonged (the press have revealed some of these details
in depth, and they are disturbing, especially in the binding hand and
foot in a ritualistic Islamic fashion, ending in the murder of all 3
brothers. 1 German, 2 dear Turkish brothers, by having their throats
It is clear that all 3 have never been involved in any illegal activity.
There was no warning of any kind (although some of the press have said
there was, by saying there was a demonstration outside the premises
'recently' -
recently actually refers to 2 years ago when a small group chanted a few
The whole family of Jesus has been saddened, yet unified and
strengthened in faith. We know our brothers have gone to the better
Many encouragements have come as a result -not the least a televised
press conference given by 2 national pastors leaders. It was on ALL
channels for 20 minutes and the good news was shared. This itself is a
challenge to the principalities and powers that try to spread the lie
that believers are dangerous and violent and anti-Turkish, also that
outreach is politically motivated and supported. In connection to this,
the believing community is
being 'demonised' and slandered by the press. These lies were clearly
challenged and its good to hear this in the public arena (whether it is
heard too clearly is a matter for the Holy Spirit)
The support given by many fellowships around the country to the
remaining believers has been powerful and wise, many have travelled to
be with people in Malatya.
Also on the afternoon of the event, as the news was breaking, the press
were sniffing for a sensational comment, to which a dear brother shared
his testimony and told the media that we (believers) have no hate for
these 5 young men, and are praying for them.
In addition the wife of our German brother has public stated she
forgives the torturers and murderers, and her husband's body has been
buried in Malatya, which is a high symbol of identification with the
country they
If you have a little time you might look at the following news details
from secular sources (all in English)
BBC's initial report
BBC's follow up report
World Service report with a useful link to pastor Isans report
Also from Turkish sources and more in depth from a) a more conservative
and then a more liberal source
Praise / Prayer points
* Romans 8:28 - all things to work for good, for those that love God
* Against 'fear' that can easily come to Jesus' community
* To see that these events show the true need for the gospel, and to
seize the opportunities it gives.
* For the families, wives and children who remain: peace and support
from the One who gives peace that the world cannot understand
* For brothers and sisters in Malatya especially, that they encourage
each other, in word, prayer and praise.
* For leaders across the country to shepherd the flock wisely in the
light of this event
* pray for the 10 or so involved (arrested), for peace to their troubled
and violent hearts, that they may even come to faith.
* For police and legal authorities to pursue the case fairly and justly,
and to protect the remaining believers in this city and across the whole
country, according to the laws of the country.
* For media to change its 'tone & atmosphere' of antagonism and stirring
(probably for sales and a sensational story) and to be balanced.
* For non Turkish workers especially against the special fears & worries
that might come, and of course protection.
That we may make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Eph 6:19
& 2 Cor 3:12.